Friday, January 7, 2011

There's a Reason He's Historical

So here's my "Sexy History" piece, finally.

I started off with John Hancock in mind, which led to some problems, since it was easy for my inner 14-year-old boy to shine through with the word "cock" in the name.  It's really easy to go from "sexy" to "dirty" with that going on.

Anywho, here's what ended up happening:

Can't wait to see you guys in at school!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

pet my elbows

hey guys, hope you've all been having a great break!

anywhale, here's my power animal, the unholy persian kitty-sloth.

i hope it's self explanatory :\

and i've been thinking more about composition. how'd i do?

one more week, then i get to see all you buggers.

oh, and since my drawing supplies were just rediscovered ... i am on a jerk and draw spree. so you can expect a sexy historian or something of the like soon. kitty sloth out!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hairbrush, please?

So, due to technology issues (apparently my scanner doesn't believe in scanning more than 5 images this break) I have only one image to present at this time, which is late anyways.

I have another drawing/sketch for this topic but it didn't make the scanner's cut, apparently. So it will be up later, along with my "Sexy History" piece!

For animal, I went with a lion, because of my wild mane of hair (or at least I assume it's like that, given my sister's been referring to me as "The Lion" all break)

So here's my animal hair.